Cauliflower Salad:
Another simple salad recipe: In a big pot, filled with water that has been brought to a boil, place and simmer 1 head of chopped up cauliflower for approximately 10 minutes. Drain and cool.
In a bowl, combine chopped up (green with red pimiento) olives, a few sprigs dill, 1/3 cup capers, 2 to 3 chopped up roasted red peppers, salt and pepper. Add the cauliflower, mix and serve. Refrigerates for up to 5 days, it's a great lunch salad to bring to work with some bread or cheese on the side.
Curry Rice Noodles, revisited with Ashley:
My friend and colleague Ashley stayed over at my place in Istanbul last night, in order to be closer to the airport for her insane 5 am flight this morning. So this means that I had a cooking buddy! Which I have clearly missed since being separated from my dear, departed Dumi. So we decided to make an easy peasy (surprising, right?) meal of curried rice noodles with coconut milk, with sauteed veggies on top.
In one pot, bring water to a boil and place rice noodles in, simmer for 8 to 10 minutes. Drain, place back in pot, pour in 1 can coconut milk, add 3 to 4 (or 5 in our case) tablespoons red or green curry and stir on low heat.
In a saucepan, sautee 10 or so chopped up mushrooms, 3 chopped up red peppers and 5 or so scallions, start with garlic if you like, or just add some garlic salt into the mix when the veggies are sauteed. Also you can add salt and pepper, as well as some red pepper flakes. When veggies are sauteed, serve on top of the rice noodles, with soy sauce!